Sunday, May 15, 2005

Two days in a row. I personally am astounded and astonished. Today being Sunday we went to corporate worship. That just means church. But it bugs me to say church because then everybody pictures what they think church is . And ours isn't like that. Hammonds Plains Christian Church is a recent start up. There really aren't a lot of rules to starting a church except worship God. So we do.

I work with the kids and families. Thats why they call me the Family Minister I guess :-) We have the "Construction Zone for the kids pre-school to grade 4 and a class for the older kids too. This takes place after the main service starts. When I arrived I was both startled and impressed at the level of teaching that the children were recieving. One of the nice things about a new church is that people don't know what you aren't supposed to be able to do, so they go ahead and do it anyway. The grade 3 and 4 class was doing a comparison through the synoptic gospels of the torments of Jesus prior to the cruxifixion. The teacher sat and quietly worked while the kids did the research.

This place is SO cool!

Anyway see ya later!


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