Monday, March 06, 2006

Well I have been internally debating how to do this post for a week or so now and I don't know if I am satisfied but we will see.

A couple of weeks ago the Dr. told me that I have diabetes. The good news is that I had gone to get my PSA count done and he had called me back into the for another appointment. For those of you not in the know, this is how they check to see if you have prostate cancer. When he called me back I thought I must have had a high count and that they would have to poke about more.

So when he said that I had diabetes I was actually relieved. Of course intelligence soon returned and I am not as happy with it as I was at the time. I must admit though that since changing my diet I feel much better than I did. (No "I told you so's" are permitted at this time.) I am more alert, I have more energy and am sleeping better. My memory is returning (I tended to forget things very easily and it seemed to be getting worse) and I am occasionally able to outwit my daughter again.

There are many things about diabetes that I am not happy about. The change in diet for example. I LOVE food. I particularly love the foods that I now must limit. Sigh...

Such is life. I now eat MUCH smaller portions than I had been. I am watching the substance of my food as well. Every morning I stick my finger and watch the numbers. All in all it could be a lot worse. So far I am able to keep the blood sugar at a reasonable level through diet, so I am not yet required to take Insulin or one of the other meds that can make up the requirements for continued existance on this plane.

Which of course brings me to God. Now some people might wonder how I can continue to believe in a merciful and loving God when I have been "smote" with such an unreasonable disease. And Some might have said that as well when I first discovered that I had Lupus. So here I am now with both and still praising God. As my buddy Ben would say "Whats with that?"

Here is the thing. Lupus and diabetes are inconvenient, but they both share a common factor. They really only kill you when you don't take care of yourself. Lupus gets you when you get too much sun. Diabetes gets you when you don't take care of your food intake. So the responsibility is mine.

God has given me a precious opportunity to show people His Glory and His Grace! Sure I have two icky-type conditions, but I have eternal life with God through Jesus Christ. Its like getting a splinter on the day you are going to Disney World. Yeah, bummer, a splinter. But hey DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!! Come on, there is no comparison at all. Everybody here abouts is going to die. Some of us are going to die sooner and some later. Some will die in bed and some from bizarre accidents involving elephants and laxatives!

The point here is that to assume all is lost for me is ridiculous, God gives me each day, and waits to see what I will do with it. I choose to share with people that God is awesome and loving and that He is looking to give you what you need for a great life, both here and after.

God loves you

See ya!