Monday, May 16, 2005

Today I am my dog's hero.

Its garbage day here, and so our garbage cans were by the side of the road. They had already been picked clean by the garbage collectors and their dissicated corpses were rolling in the chill wind.

Jack (the beagle in question) was put out on his tether, and discovered this macabre scene. Thereupon he set up a racket, baying with all his might to alert us (and the entire neighbourhood) of the fate consigned upon our poor garbage cans. This was the scene as I came out to investigate:

Jack was crouched almost at the end of the line, barking furiously, and baying occasionally at the garbage can remains. The wind was blowing one of the cans back and forth, and when it would edge towards Jack, his bark would change to a bay and he would edge back towards the house until the can in question rolled back a bit.

I brought Jack into the house. He immediately lept to the window as I went out, and moved the garbage cans to their accustomed places.

When I came into the house Jack greeted me with honour and praise, rejoicing in the restoration of all things.

Today, I am my dogs hero :-)

See ya later


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