Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I talked to a friend today, he reminded me about Jeff Healey. Thats not a big thing except that I was glad to remember him. I used to listen to his show on CBC Radio, and I always liked the tone of his voice. He would play great blues songs, and occasionally he would play something himself. It was a warm and comfy thing I guess. You need to remember people that have affected you, but there is so much stuff coming at us everyday that I just don't seem to remember until something or someone reminds me. Its like walking into a Cow's Ice cream shop and remembering that I love Chocolate mint chip ice cream. Its a happy thing. Its like sometimes when I am really bummed out cause I have messed something up. I get all worked up about it and then my wife reminds me that Jesus forgives us anyway, not just when we get everything right, but when we are seriously screwed up too. Jesus is a happy person to remember too.

see ya

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